Campus Plan Update

ubc okanagan aerial sunset

Welcome to the Campus Plan Update (the Update), a public planning process to update the existing campus plan for the Okanagan campus.

Engagement Process

The second round of engagement, which ran from November 5 to November 29, is now complete.

In the first round of engagement held earlier this year, we asked the campus community to provide feedback on the seven emerging themes and proposed strategies. This feedback informed the final Terms of Reference and shaped the draft Campus Plan Update, which was shared with the community during the second round of engagement.

The Campus Planning team wants to know…

Do the proposed updates to the physical campus address the future needs of the university, its communities, and people like you?

Project Description

UBC is engaging the community on an update to the Campus Plan, which will inform how the physical Okanagan campus could change and grow over the next 20 years.

Why Update the Campus Plan?

The Campus Plan was adopted in 2015 and now almost 10 years later the university has an opportunity to refine and enhance the plan in several key areas.

The Update is aligned with a number of existing policies (e.g., CAP2030, Transportation Plan) and reflects evolving priorities including enabling more academic space, amenities and housing; addressing on-campus mobility and access; accommodating hybrid learning and working; deepening UBC’s relationship with the Syilx Okanagan Nation; and adapting to a changing climate.

The following components are covered in the draft Campus Plan Update:

  • Academic Space
  • Student Housing
  • Neighbourhood Housing
  • Movement + Connectivity
  • Ecology
  • Open Space + Recreation
  • Community Amenities

Campus Plan Update Overview

For an overview of the Update, including areas of potential development, open and green spaces, and proposed strategies for each of the components, explore the draft Campus Plan Update.

About the Campus Plan

The UBC Okanagan Campus Plan sets out a vision for the physical development of the campus and provides a long-term planning framework to manage future campus growth to support the University’s strategic plan and academic mission.

Engagement Summary Report

There were over 1,300 touchpoints with the community in the first round of engagement, which helped Campus Planning identify the opportunities and challenges that need to be considered as part of the Update.

Next Steps

The Okanagan Leadership Council approved the final Terms of Reference for the Update in May 2024. These were informed by technical work and community engagement on Needs and Aspirations. The Terms of Reference have guided the development of the draft Update, which is being presented to the community for feedback in this second round of engagement.

The Final Campus Plan Update, informed by community input, will be submitted to the UBC Board of Governors for adoption next spring.

Explore the final Terms of Reference.

Honouring Place and Protocols

The UBC Okanagan campus has the unique distinction of being founded in partnership with the Syilx Okanagan Nation. Learn more about UBC’s engagement with the Syilx Okanagan Nation.

A comprehensive engagement process with Syilx Okanagan community partners and campus Indigenous communities is being developed in consultation with the UBC Okanagan’s Senior Advisor on Indigenous Affairs and Syilx Okanagan community partners.

Engagement will seek to strengthen and enhance UBC’s relationship with the Syilx Okanagan Nation and receive input on how the Campus Plan Update can build on the university’s continued efforts to enhance recognition of UBC Okanagan’s location in the unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan, enrich Syilx presence and cultural expression on the campus, and ensure the campus is welcoming and inclusive of Indigenous peoples.

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UBC Okanagan Campus Profile

Explore the UBC Okanagan Campus Profile for a comprehensive overview of the campus’s physical spaces, the people who learn, work, and live here, and the policies and trends shaping its future.


If you’re interested in learning more or getting involved, contact:

Madeleine Zammar
Manager of Engagement
Campus and Community Planning

Abigail Riley
Associate Director
Office of Campus Planning