Campus Planning oversees the review and approval process for the use and development of all campus lands – the buildings, structures, outdoor spaces, streets, landscape and permanent exterior signage.

Campus Planning provides and administers a variety of planning and development requirements and procedures, and processes applications for all development and site work on campus, including approvals for outdoor research and land use. Through this development review process, we issue the required campus approvals to UBC’s faculty, facilities and infrastructure staff, industry professionals and consultants. This process supplements and is in addition to any City of Kelowna permits and approvals that may be required.

Our other regulatory responsibilities include:

  • ensuring development and site work on campus adheres to University policies and regulations, City of Kelowna bylaws, Transport Canada, and NAV Canada regulations, and other applicable statutes;
  • advising on land use, development policies, and the implementation of planning initiatives; and
  • reviewing documents and legal agreements that relate to the use of UBC lands and buildings.

About the Development Approval Process

Approvals & Application Process